Album page generator for Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Pre-load from VocaDB page: 🛈Input URL to VocaDB album page here.
e.g. Comic and Cosmic

Album Cover: 🛈This tool will attempt to load the album cover picture from VocaDB.

Original title: 🛈Album name in original language
Transliterated title: 🛈Transliterated song title
(if non-English original)

Infobox bg/fg colour: 🛈Infobox background (left) and foreground (right) colour
hexadecimal colour, e.g., #ff0000
colour name, e.g., red
Label: 🛈Name of the label that published the album, e.g. EXIT TUNES, KarenT
Description: 🛈Add a short description about the album, e.g. "a compilation album by PRODUCERS featuring SYNTHS" or "an album by PRODUCER".
Synth Engines: 🛈Needed to generate synth category tags.

Tracklist 🛈Add tracklist information here.
Track names should follow the naming convention of song articles (e.g. "すろぉもぉしょん (Slow Motion)").
If a song page exists on Vocaloid Lyrics wiki then you can copy and paste the URL to that song page to the cell in the third column ("Track name / VLW Page Title"). The site will automatically detect the page title in this scenario.
Markup to featured producers and singers should only be added for the first mention of that artist/synth.

Add, delete, or drag rows as you please

VocaDB Album Page ID: 🛈The numerical ID of the album page entry on VocaDB. For example, the Page ID for the album "Comic and Cosmic" ( is 21149.
Vocaloid Wiki Page: 🛈The Vocaloid Wiki page for the album, if it exists. Only the page name should be given.
External links: 🛈Links to related web pages, one per line, with description, e.g.: Off-vocal
Recognizes many commonly used sites such as Hatsune Miku Wiki and VocaDB

Add, delete, or drag rows as you please

Categories: 🛈Category names, one per line, e.g.:
Albums featuring Hatsune Miku
Click the Autoload button to have the site generate commonly used tags
